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Summerlin South Little League

Summerlin South Little League


Players born between September 1, 2016 and August 31, 2019

The Minors A Division is a machine pitch division for league ages 6, 7, and some 8-year olds.  6-year olds MUST have played two seasons of Tee Ball Majors equivalent baseball to be eligible to play in this division.  9-year olds are no longer permitted to play in this division, even if it is their first season.  Players do not evaluate to play. Game scores and standings are kept and will be used to seed the teams for the end of season tournament, although the primary focus is player development.  In order to achieve competitive balance, players cannot request a specific coach or team. 

Games are typically played on Tuesdays, Thursdays and/or Saturdays but may be subject to change based on league size and field availability.   


Players born between September 1, 2013 and August 31, 2017

The Minors AA and AAA divisions are competitive kid pitch divisions. 8-year MUST have played two seasons of machine pitch equivalent baseball to be eligible to play in AA division, must have sufficient skill and ability, and are not promised a roster spot in AA (they must be drafted—undrafted 8-year olds will be rostered in the A Division).   Game scores and standings are kept and will be used to seed the teams for the end of season tournaments.  AAA teams may also be selected to play in a District 4 Tournament of Champions after the spring tournament ends.

For the fall season, any player who registers for the AAA division must attend a scheduled evaluation to be eligible for the draft.  The AAA teams first draft their players and any remaining players are placed in the AA draft pool.  While 8, 9, and 10 year olds may register for the AAA division, they are not guaranteed to be drafted to the AAA division. 

For the spring season, players do not select whether they wish to play in the AAA or AA division.  All players must attend one of the scheduled evaluations to be eligible for the draft.  The AAA teams first draft their players and any remaining players are placed in the AA draft pool. 

Players who are league age 12 who wish to play in the AAA division must be granted a waiver by the District Administrator.

AA games are typically played on Wednesdays and/or Saturdays but may be subject to change based on league size and field availability.

AAA games are typically played on Thursdays and/or Saturdays but may be subject to change based on league size and field availability.


Players born between September 1, 2012 and August 31, 2015

The Majors division is a competitive division.  Game scores and standings are kept and will be used to seed the teams for the end of season tournaments. Teams may also be selected to play in a District 4 Tournament of Champions after the spring season tournament ends.  New players to this division must attend a scheduled evaluation to be eligible for the draft.  10 and 11 year olds may try-out, but are not guaranteed to be drafted to Majors (if not drafted, they will be placed in the Minors division draft pool). 

Games are typically played on Tuesdays and/or Saturdays but may be subject to change based on league size and field availability.


Players born between September 1, 2011 and August 31, 2014

The 50/70 division is designed for players with advanced skill and utilizes a larger pitching distance and base path to prepare players for the regulation sized field.  Game scores and standings are kept and will be used to seed the teams for the end of season tournaments.   The league's ability to charter a team in this division is dependent on sufficient interest.


Players born between September 1, 2010 and August 31, 2013

This division is the first to utilize a regulation sized baseball field with a 90-foot base path and 60-foot 6-inch pitching rubber.  This division is scheduled by and run at the District level.  The league's ability to charter a team in this division is dependent on sufficient interest.


Players born between September 1, 2008 and April 30, 2012

This division utilizes a regulation sized baseball field with a 90-foot base path and 60-foot 6-inch pitching rubber.  The Seniors division is scheduled by and run at the District level.  The league's ability to sponsor a team in this division is dependent on sufficient interest.

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