Parent & Coach Handbook

For those who want to know more about our league's program, operations, policies, and practices, we've prepared a Parent & Coach Handbook that we update from time to time.

The purpose of this handbook is to provide parents and coaches with a summary of Summerlin South Little League's organization, baseball and softball operations, and policies.  Although we have attempted i to be thorough n this handbook, no one document can completely explain all applicable rules and procedures.

Because we operate under a charter granted annually by Little League International, we apply Little League International rules and structure to our own league.  In addition to the policies and rules contained in or referred to in this handbook, Summerlin South Little League strictly adheres to all provisions of the Little League Baseball Official Regulations and Playing Rules (the "Green Book"), the the Little League Softball Official Regulations and Playing Rules (the "Orange Book"), and the Little League Operating Manual.  The Green and Orange Books are provided to each team/manager at the beginning of the season.  In addition, parents can read learn about and review Little League's policies at